District 111 Performance Report

Brazil (as of 2019-07-17). To print with the color coding, be sure to enable printing background colors and images in your browser. The percent is green if the distinguished district goal was met.

Paid clubs+0.0%+0.0%22+15.8%
Dist clubs00.0%00.0%1684.2%

Click on a club number for directory information, click on the current year's DCP goals for the full DCP report. The current year's membership numbers and DCP goals are color-coded to indicate trend from the previous year. The distinguished status is simply color-coded to indicate the status.

President's distinguished clubs

AreaClubNameMembershipDCP goalsStatus
B4955824Dell Toastmasters Brazil N/AN/A31 N/AN/A9 P
B22229225Sao Paulo N/AN/A31 N/AN/A10 P
B23182108Vila Olimpia English N/AN/A30 N/AN/A9 P
B54398319Rio N/AN/A41 N/AN/A10 P
B44830452NOS N/AN/A36 N/AN/A10 P
B15313265Wild Talkers English N/AN/A25 N/AN/A9 P
B56578697The Rio Gringo N/AN/A28 N/AN/A10 P

Select distinguished clubs

AreaClubNameMembershipDCP goalsStatus
B52453527Rio Speak Out N/AN/A25 N/AN/A7 S
B35092876Caterpillar Brazil Bilingual N/AN/A38 N/AN/A7 S
B65864102Belo Horizonte N/AN/A24 N/AN/A7 S
B15880816Citi Brazil English N/AN/A37 N/AN/A7 S

Distinguished clubs

AreaClubNameMembershipDCP goalsStatus
B14856017Avenida Paulista N/AN/A21 N/AN/A5 D
B36556192Campinas #1 English N/AN/A20 N/AN/A5 D
B36786802Dell Brazil SP N/AN/A40 N/AN/A5 D
B47039995Open POA N/AN/A20 N/AN/A5 D
B47095420Sicredi N/AN/A24 N/AN/A5 D

Non-distinguished clubs

AreaClubNameMembershipDCP goalsStatus
B41978000ADP Labs Brazil N/AN/A0 N/AN/A2
B54158459Fala Bonito! N/AN/A22 N/AN/A3
B14175277Ericsson Sao Paulo N/AN/A13 N/AN/A3
B24760558Microsoft Brazil N/AN/A0 N/AN/A1
B65445456Brasilia TM - Alumni UnB N/AN/A24 N/AN/A3
B56558377Pitchmasters N/AN/A29 N/AN/A3
B56606793Tagarelas Toastmasters Club - Shell N/AN/A20 N/AN/A2
B67006126Palmas N/AN/A0 N/AN/A0
B27443125Toastmasters PRA N/AN/A21 N/AN/A1